
taking the guesswork out of shipping online sales

3 Tips For Shipping Original Artwork For Artists

Many artists promote and sell their finished pieces online. The challenge to this method of selling is finding safe and cost-effective ways to ship the finished pieces. There are several strategies you can use to help your pieces arrive safely. Be Selective About Size, Shape, And Media Although it can be fun to work on a round canvas or a canvas that is very large, this creates more challenges and costs associated with shipping. Read More 

Three Common Types Of Boxes Used For Shipping

If you run a business in which you need to ship items to customers, then you will need to be familiar with the different shipping boxes available. Now, when it comes to these boxes, the exterior and interior are both equally important The type of box that you use to ship your items will determine what type of condition the items will arrive in. If you are not all that familiar with shipping boxes, keep reading to learn about three of the most common boxes that are used for various shipping needs. Read More 

Ship Household Items And Personal Effects

Moving a couple of thousand miles from where you grew up may seem monumental, especially when you need to plan on how you will transport your possessions. If you have chosen to purchase furnishings for your new home and will only be required to move household goods, paperwork, and clothing, you can have most of these items shipped to your destination. As a result, you can relax and drive a small vehicle to your new home or even fly to the town that you will be residing in. Read More 

About Me

taking the guesswork out of shipping online sales

Shipping can be one of the most complicated and irritating steps when selling things online. When you are an online purchaser, it can be difficult to determine how much to charge for shipping and choose the best method of shipping each item. If you are an online seller, this blog can help you learn about the different methods of shipping and help you determine how to set your shipping rates. It is my hope that the information that I have provided will help take some of the guesswork out of your online sales business and make it more productive and fun for you.